1. What's this all about then?
Hello - my name's Michael Lovejoy, and I'm a miniatures addict - I've been collecting, painting and gaming with miniatures for 31 years.....
2. The Cover Image
So, when designing a new game, what do you do first? I guess you want some sort of core rule mechanic... so I decided to try and make an image for the rulebook cover instead...
Making a long term plan.
I've been thinking about what I would like Ravensrodd to become, and what I've decided is this:
Ravensrodd should be...
Making a start on the rules...
So, I was sitting there, going quietly insane through boredom, when the lecturer handed out pads and pens. I started writing out some rules ideas...
What's in a name?
One of the great things about using a historical setting for Ravensrodd is that it simplifies a lot of things. But it can also lead to complications; as I found out on page 1 of my draft rules...
2d6 or not d6; that is the question...
Dice. As a way of introducing a random element into games, dice have been in use for millennia. For most of that time they were a six-sided cube...
The Core Rule Mechanic
The rules of the Ravensrodd game are based around Tests. Each time a player carries out an action with one of his models, he will have to take a Test...
The Company Roster.
Making the company roster should have been a fairly quick and easy job. ...
A couple of test miniatures...
Ravensrodd is a tabletop skirmish miniatures game – and that means it needs miniatures...
Planning the Companies...
Ravensrodd is a miniatures game, and that means it needs miniatures... so I need to get sculpting...
Putting the odd into Ravensrodd...
These three Companies are a little stranger than the others...
Hired Swords
In Ravensrodd, most of the characters in the game are ones you invent yourself. But occasionally...
In the 14th century, there were relatively few weapons in common use...
I had the armour rules sorted. They were working fine, and then...
To RPG or not RPG?
I'm having a bit of a creative crisis. I like 'RPG-lite' style skirmish games, but...
If you've got any questions or suggestions, please email and tell me!
I need all the help I can get...